Monday, December 13, 2010

What the Hell is Twitter's #FF all about?

What the Hell is Twitter's #FF all about?

If you just started a Twitter account you may have noticed all the #FF last Friday. You may be wondering what this is all about. I wrote a little bit about Hash Tags in general last week and this is just a specific type of Hash Tag that has gained popularity Twitter-wide over the last couple of years. 

In an effort for friends to recomend other friends a hashtag was started to help organize the posts into a usable searchable database.  It is a great way to make new friends and get more followers. It is like a word of mouth endorsement from a friend. 

#FF used to be  #FollowFriday but fitting in more than a couple of friends in the 140 character limit caused it to be shortened.   Use #FF anywhere in your message and all the @tweeple listed will go into the database. For fun you can type #FF into the Search Twitter page and see just how many people are using it!

This is a simple way that Twitter users have made it easier to share their friends with their other friends.  Get creative with it if you want.  It can be a lot of fun.

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