Friday, December 3, 2010

Twitter's Hash Tags Explained

Ahh, Twitter, how I love you so!  You bring me joy every day, but especially on #FF or #FollowFriday  Hash Tags make things so easy!

It is now time to familiarize yourself with hashtag commands, so that you only broadcast a message out to the people you want to receive it, those being the members of your hashtag group. Here’s a quick rundown of the more useful ones:

1. Follow #tag - (example: follow #tip) - lets you follow all updates tagged with #tip. 

2. Follow username#tag - subscribe to all updates from a certain person that are sent to a group. (Example: Follow @EricTheBastard#tip will give you every post by @EricTheBastard sent to the #tip group)

3. #tag message - Send a message or question to the group. (Example: #tip Don't set up an automated message with a web address in it.)

4. #tag !message - Send a message only to people who are subscribed to updates from #tag. (Example: #tip !How many tips have you retweeted me  today?) 

5. Leave #tag - Unsubscribe from the group. If your friends are subscribed to this group as well, you’ll still get messages from them that include updates for the group. (Example: leave #tip will unsubscribe you from the Tips group, but you’ll still get messages from your friend whenever send a message to #tip).

6. Remove #tag Unsubscribe from the group and from friend messages that include this tag.

Visit for more information

1 comment:

CraftyCarole said...

thanks for the easy explanation