Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanksgiving Duck

A few years ago I developed an allergy to something that they give commercial chickens and turkeys.  I have never figured out what exactly it is that I am allergic to but let me just say I do not eat commercial chicken or turkey any more.  I have found that all natural, minimally processed and free range poultry does not affect me.

Sometimes the price for minimally processed poultry is a bit expensive, especially when you are buying a turkey.  Last year I paid about $75 for a free range organic turkey that weighed about 18 pounds.    It was dry and not as good as I remembered turkey to be.  This year I have decided to smoke a duck.  Average price for a duck is about $6 a pound.

Some people think that duck is greasy and not so tasty.  I however love the taste of a slow smoked duck.  If cooked properly the duck will lose much of the fat that gives it the greasy taste.  Be cautious if you are planning to smoke a duck and make sure your drip pan never runs dry.  I am not saying that I made a flaming.... okay yes, I am saying I caught a duck on fire.

I may be the only one in my family to eat any duck this year and it has been suggested that perhaps I should get a Cornish Game Hen instead, but I am stubborn and refuse to do what is suggested to me sometimes.  That is part of the reason that I am known as Eric The Bastard.  I guess everyone will just have to continue to deal with my little idiosyncrasies.

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