Saturday, July 31, 2010

Apple does not want my money -Take Three!

Good day my faithful readers! If you are expecting to read a happy story with a happy ending about my quest for the new iPhone 4, avert your eyes now. This is another chapter in the lesson of disappointment. It is becoming quite apparent that not only does Apple not want my money, neither does AT&T! I drove to the Big City today. A City which boasts 5 Super Wal Marts and multiple Official AT&T stores. Anyone notice a set up for multiple disappointments?

I have become pretty wise in my years upon this earth, yet, it seems that I still have just a touch of optimism that was just begging to be stomped into the ground! If you have not read the lead-in to this story, stop now and go to Take One! Otherwise here we go!

I walk into the biggest AT&T store I could find. The nice cheery girl comes bouncing up like she had just received a pony for her birthday! "How can I help you today?" she asked in what can only be described as an orgasmic desire to make me happy! "I have journeyed far and wide in search of the Holy Grail of cellular phones- the iPhone 4!" Okay, maybe I didn't say it like that but you get the general idea. "Oh, you will love it!" she said smiling a smile that could blind even a bat! "Unfortunately, we do not have any in stock...." Uh oh, I had a feeling of what was about to be said next......

"But we can help you order one and it will be delivered to you in 7 to 10 business days!" I must have had a strange expression on my face because she took two steps back, stopped smiling and asked what was wrong. I proceeded to explain the part about my debit ard being tied to a P.O. Box and she interrupted me and said, "Oh, Apple doesn't accept debit cards anyway, just credit cards." I said fine, I will just give you cash. "Oh, Apple does not accept cash either, nor does AT&T for any kind of orders. If we had it in stock we co......"

I missed the last part of what she said from the massive amount of steam billowing from around my collar. I proceeded to, in not so nice language, express my disbelief and disappointment. I should have probably not reacted so nastily but I guess I was a touch upset. I decided not to go to the other stores and just admit defeat. Probably a good thing because it looked like everyone had taken out their phone and were poised to dial 911......

Apple doesn't want my money Part 1

Apple doesn't want my money Part 2

Apple doesn't want my money Part 3

Apple doesn't want my money Part 4

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Friday, July 30, 2010

Apple does not want my money -Take Two!

Apple does not want my money! I guess my money just isn't good enough! I went into my local Wal Mart today to buy an iPhone 4 from the AT&T store inside. Amazingly enough, the two that came in today were already sold. So, I decided to ask about a 32gig 3gs. Yes, they had one left. The price? $297.00

Wait a minute, the 32gig iPhone 4 is $299.00 "Am I confused?" I asked the person behind the counter. She replied, "Nope! That is our price." So, I asked the very obvious question of why the price for the 'discontinued' 3gs was a mere $2 less than the newest brightest shiniest iPhone 4. I was answered by a blank stare that could only be compared to if I had asked her to solve a series of algebraic equations.....After a few minutes of complete silence she said "You might try the official AT&T store next door, they may have some iPhon 4's....."

So, I leave the store, go next door and enter the 'official' AT&T store. The lady behind the counter does not like me very much. We have a history of her being completely clueless and overpriced and me being a disgruntled customer. Perhaps today is the day for burying the hatchet and starting fresh. Nope, today was just a replay of the past- with a twist!

I ask the lady why on earth Wal Mart is carrying an outdated, closeout iPhone 3gs for only $2 less than the new iPhone 4. Her answer is a simple one, the $199 price that it should be is an on-line price only. Fair enough. So, I ask the next very obvious question: "Do you have any iPhone 4's in stock." The answer out of her mouth was quite unexpected and I am still very perplexed by it. "No, we are not authorized to sell iPhones or iPhone accessories in this store."

The look on my face must have been epic. So, she volunteers that I should just buy it on-line. Again, I am quite dumbfounded. This is an 'Official' AT&T store and they cannot sell an AT&T phone? I try to explain to her that I have been through the on-line battle already to no avail. She then suggests I go to the BIG City and try another AT&T Store. The Big City is about an hour from home so I guess I will fuel up the car and head that way in the morning........

Apple doesn't want my money Part 1

Apple doesn't want my money Part 2

Apple doesn't want my money Part 3

Apple doesn't want my money Part 4

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Apple does not want my money, - Take One!

Ahh, the much coveted iPhone 4, the stuff dreams are made of. Or is it? Well, I have been dreaming of upgrading from my much outdated Blackjack II for some time now. I wanted to go with an iPhone 4 so I have been patiently waiting for it to be released. Then there it was, a release date. I knew better than to think I would get one the day of the release. That is reserved for really geeky nerdy people with cash to burn. (if you subtract the cash to burn that is moi!)

So, I wait for the website release date. Being broke has taught me patience! The day arrives just like any other and I log into my AT&T account and hit the upgrade option. Yes! There is the prettiest shiniest newest tech in the known universe just sitting there awaiting my order! I will just say now that it is a very good thing that I am used to disappointment!

For security reasons I have my bank account and debit card tied to my P.O. Box. Interestingly enough, Apple does not see that as very secure and refuses to ship anything to a P.O. Box. In fact, I find out after several failed attempts that you have to have the billing address and the credit card address the same as your street address. I am confused but I accept it. Tomorrow I shall make the 12 mile trek from the sticks to the big city population of one Super Wal Mart. Stay Tuned!

Apple doesn't want my money Part 1

Apple doesn't want my money Part 2

Apple doesn't want my money Part 3

Apple doesn't want my money Part 4

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