Thursday, July 29, 2010

Apple does not want my money, - Take One!

Ahh, the much coveted iPhone 4, the stuff dreams are made of. Or is it? Well, I have been dreaming of upgrading from my much outdated Blackjack II for some time now. I wanted to go with an iPhone 4 so I have been patiently waiting for it to be released. Then there it was, a release date. I knew better than to think I would get one the day of the release. That is reserved for really geeky nerdy people with cash to burn. (if you subtract the cash to burn that is moi!)

So, I wait for the website release date. Being broke has taught me patience! The day arrives just like any other and I log into my AT&T account and hit the upgrade option. Yes! There is the prettiest shiniest newest tech in the known universe just sitting there awaiting my order! I will just say now that it is a very good thing that I am used to disappointment!

For security reasons I have my bank account and debit card tied to my P.O. Box. Interestingly enough, Apple does not see that as very secure and refuses to ship anything to a P.O. Box. In fact, I find out after several failed attempts that you have to have the billing address and the credit card address the same as your street address. I am confused but I accept it. Tomorrow I shall make the 12 mile trek from the sticks to the big city population of one Super Wal Mart. Stay Tuned!

Apple doesn't want my money Part 1

Apple doesn't want my money Part 2

Apple doesn't want my money Part 3

Apple doesn't want my money Part 4

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