Poetry for me started when I was nine years old and read the complete works of William Shakespeare. I did not understand a good portion of what I was reading but the flow, the words and the meter were something that stuck with me ever since. I hear poetry in just about everything, the wind through the trees, traffic sounds, music and even the crackling of a fire. The simplest of things can be poetry to me!
Perhaps I was born in the wrong century! I can take the most mundane topic and make it seem like the greatest thing since the invention of sliced bread! Some may call that over dramatic, I call it poetry! Sometimes I write poetry to mark a moment in life so that I may never forget it. Sometimes I write poetry just for the sake of writing it! Often times, however, I have misplaced my muse and no words flow.
My muse has returned and I have a lot of poetry floating around in my head. Most of which will probably never make it to paper but a few will. If you would like to read some of my poetry I will be happy to post a few of the old ones on here. If you do want me to post some please add your comments here and let me know!
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