Thursday, March 31, 2011

My New Blog For Tangled Metal

Tangled Metal Blog
I started a new blog for Tangled Metal yesterday. I know what you are thinking, I totally need another blog since I do so much here. I know, I know. I am going to really make an effort to be more bloggy, blogesque, bloglike? I am going to try to blog more.

I have really jumped back into the whole making chainmail thing. I have so much experience making it that it is almost second nature for me. I am still able to make it rather quickly. I hope to one day have a routine in blogging like I do in making chainmail. Only time will tell.

I have set my goal for the other blog for three or more posts every week. I am setting my goal for this blog as well. Maybe, eventually, I can add goals to my other blogs. One can hope. Anyhow, If you follow this blog please go to the other one and get on the list. I will try and make it interesting and worth your while. I promise. :)

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