Thursday, March 31, 2011

My New Blog For Tangled Metal

Tangled Metal Blog
I started a new blog for Tangled Metal yesterday. I know what you are thinking, I totally need another blog since I do so much here. I know, I know. I am going to really make an effort to be more bloggy, blogesque, bloglike? I am going to try to blog more.

I have really jumped back into the whole making chainmail thing. I have so much experience making it that it is almost second nature for me. I am still able to make it rather quickly. I hope to one day have a routine in blogging like I do in making chainmail. Only time will tell.

I have set my goal for the other blog for three or more posts every week. I am setting my goal for this blog as well. Maybe, eventually, I can add goals to my other blogs. One can hope. Anyhow, If you follow this blog please go to the other one and get on the list. I will try and make it interesting and worth your while. I promise. :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Happy Birthday William Shatner

Thank you William Shatner for entertaining us for so very long.  It is unbelievable that you just turned 80 today. You have a special place in my heart. I am a nerd through and through. Here is my tribute to you: 

I was not yet born when Start Trek first came out, so I watched the reruns. Some people just get hooked on SciFi. I was one of those people. I love SciFi!

That is all I have to say other than Happy 80th Birthday William Shatner!

Monday, March 21, 2011

My Steampunk Jewelry and More

One Of  A Kind Steampunk Pendant "Mechanical Sea"
I have started recycling broken watches into jewelry. This one is called "Mechanical Sea" and is in my Etsy Shop. The pendants are really one of a kind and are inspired by the subculture known as Steampunk. The subculture is based on the Victorian era and uses the premise "What would have happened if steam had been the predominant power for all things."

Okay, perhaps it is more complicated than that. Movies like "The Time Machine" and series like "Firefly" are considered to be influential on the Steampunk subculture. Anyhow, I just wanted to share what I have been doing lately. I hope you like this pendant and will visit my shop to see my other pendants and chainmail jewelry and accessories.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Time to start Blogging about my Metal Artwork

Wine Bottle Cozy by Me!

I have been having a difficult time the last few months coming up with something to write about. Let me take that back. I have been having a hard time coming up with positive things to write about. I have been trying to be more positive with what I say and do in my life. Of course it does not always work out that way but I am making an effort.

I recently started making chainmail jewelry again. I have over 25 years experience working with metal. I had retired from the art a few years back after the economy went south and I broke my thumb. A lot of people have been trying to get me back into making it so, I have finally given in and started.

If you would like to see what I am doing, visit my Facebook Page and if you so choose please "Like" it for updates.
You can also see my work on Etsy

And I will soon have my shop set up on ArtFire.

Perhaps all of this will give me more cause and inspiration to start writing on this blog again.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St Patricks Day!

Hey guys, sorry that I have not posted in some time. Life has been quite busy lately. I will do my best to try and start writing again. In the meantime, check out what I have been doing:

I have started to get back into metal working. It is doing me wonders to relieve the stress of day to day life.